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The World Bank

Final Meeting. The IDA16 Replenishment process concluded in Brussels, Belgium, on December 14-15, 2010. For the outcome of the meeting, please see Press Release and Chairperson Summary:

Third Meeting. The Third IDA16 Replenishment Meeting was held in Washington, DC, on October 11-12, 2010. The discussions focused on IDA's results framework, the proposed Crisis Response Window, IEG's update on IDA controls, and IDA16 financing framework. See Chairperson Summary and meeting papers:

Second Meeting. The Second IDA16 Replenishment Meetingtook place in Bamako, Mali on June 16-18, 2010. See Chairperson Summary (pdf) and meeting papers:

First Meeting. The First IDA16 Replenishment Meeting took place in Paris, France, on March 3-4, 2010. At the meeting, Deputies and borrowing country representatives discussed IDA's challenges and strategic directions, as well as the proposed special themes for IDA16: fragile states, gender, crises response and climate change. See Chairperson Summary and meeting papers: