Bank Budget to Portfolio Volume Ratio (per $ billion under supervision) ($ million)
Bank Budget to Portfolio Volume Ratio (per $ billion under supervision) ($ million)
Total administrative budget expenses per US$ billion portfolio under supervision.
Average cost of IDA supervision projects (implementation support) ($ thousand)
Average cost of IDA supervision projects (implementation support) ($ thousand)
These are supervision costs attributed directly to operational projects in the IDA portfolio divided by the monthly average number of projects in the IDA portfolio, plus the 3-year weighted average costs of fiduciary (financial management and procurement) and safeguards (environmental and social safeguards) that are indirectly attributed to the portfolio.
Satisfactory Bank performance in IDA-financed operations, overall (%, IEG ratings, 3-year rolling)
Satisfactory Bank performance in IDA-financed operations, overall (%, IEG ratings, 3-year rolling)
This indicator measures percentage of the net-commitment amount of the closed IDA projects reviewed by IEG that are rated Moderately Satisfactory, Satisfactory, or Highly Satisfactory on overall bank’s performance, performance at entry and performance during supervision, against the total net-commitment amount of the closed IDA projects reviewed by IEG in a three-year rolling basis.
Satisfactory Bank performance in IDA-financed operations, at entry (%, IEG ratings, 3-year rolling)
Satisfactory Bank performance in IDA-financed operations, at entry (%, IEG ratings, 3-year rolling)
This indicator measures percentage of the net-commitment amount of the closed IDA projects reviewed by IEG that are rated Moderately Satisfactory, Satisfactory, or Highly Satisfactory on overall bank’s performance, performance at entry and performance during supervision, against the total net-commitment amount of the closed IDA projects reviewed by IEG in a three-year rolling basis.
Satisfactory Bank performance in IDA-financed operations, during supervision (%, IEG ratings, 3-year rolling)
Satisfactory Bank performance in IDA-financed operations, during supervision (%, IEG ratings, 3-year rolling)
This indicator measures percentage of the net-commitment amount of the closed IDA projects reviewed by IEG that are rated Moderately Satisfactory, Satisfactory, or Highly Satisfactory on overall bank’s performance, performance at entry and performance during supervision, against the total net-commitment amount of the closed IDA projects reviewed by IEG in a three-year rolling basis.
Disbursement ratio (%)
Disbursement ratio (%)
Ratio of disbursements during the fiscal year to the undisbursed balance at the beginning of the fiscal year for IDA Investment Project Financing projects. There is no corporate target for IDA disbursement ratio; instead, a corporate standard based on historical experience is used.
Proactivity Index (%)
Proactivity Index (%)
The ratio of projects in “actual” problem status 12 months ago that have had a proactivity action in the last 12 months divided by the total number of problem projects from 12 months ago. After being downgraded to Moderately Unsatisfactory or lower for Development Outcome and/or Implementation Progress rating in supervision reports, a project needs to have one of the following actions taken within the next 12 months, otherwise it will be considered a proactivity problem. The actions are upgrade, close, cancel >=20%, suspend, or restructuring (both level 1 and level 2) (note: restructurings for extensions of closing dates or reallocations are not counted as proactivity actions unless they are combined with other actions). Data of IDA-funded operations is reported.
IDA-supported operations that address and respond to gender-based violence (GBV) (number)
IDA-supported operations that address and respond to gender-based violence (GBV) (number)
Number of operations that include actions to prevent and/or respond to GBV that go beyond Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and Sexual Harassment (SH) risk mitigation activities as outlined in ESF related Good Practice Notes. Based on IDA-funded projects approved in current fiscal year.