- In Tajikistan, The Second Public Employment for Sustainable Agriculture and Water Resources Management Project is helping address critical issues in irrigation and water resource management with the overall goal of improving food security for Tajikistan’s most vulnerable communities. Some 6,525 km of an on-farm irrigation network have been manually cleaned, which created income opportunities for almost 24,000 citizens. In addition, irrigation and drainage services have been improved on almost 190,000 ha of arable land. 580 km of secondary and tertiary irrigation canals have been manually cleaned, 44 km of irrigation and drainage canals have been rehabilitated, three major pumping stations have been restored, and riverbank reinforcement works have been completed. Consequently, irrigation has been improved in 920 ha of land.
- In Burkina Faso significant results have been achieved through the IDA financed Urban Water Sector Project (UWSP: 2009–2018): about 700,000 people have gained access to improved water supply; about 440,000 people have gained access to improved sanitation; and about 120,000 students have benefited from improved school sanitation. And the utility’s performance has dramatically improved: ONEA (Office National de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement), Burkina’s state-owned urban water and sanitation utility, is today ranked among the top performing water utilities in Sub-Saharan Africa, with full recovery through revenues of operation and maintenance cost and debt service and partial contribution to capital expenditures, with a staff productivity of 2.9 staff per 1000 connections and a bill collection ratio of 97.7 percent. These achievements, along with the strengthening of the ONEA’s governance, has contributed to paving the way for opportunities to tap into commercial capital and private engagement, for the expansion of needed investments required to respond to increasing water scarcity and fast urbanization.
Key Achievements

Water productivity, total (constant 2005 US$ GDP per cubic meter of total freshwater withdrawal)
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Key Achievements
Key Achievements
- In Tajikistan, The Second Public Employment for Sustainable Agriculture and Water Resources Management Project is helping address critical issues in irrigation and water resource management with the overall goal of improving food security for Tajikistan’s most vulnerable communities. Some 6,525 km of an on-farm irrigation network have been manually cleaned, which created income opportunities for almost 24,000 citizens. In addition, irrigation and drainage services have been improved on almost 190,000 ha of arable land. 580 km of secondary and tertiary irrigation canals have been manually cleaned, 44 km of irrigation and drainage canals have been rehabilitated, three major pumping stations have been restored, and riverbank reinforcement works have been completed. Consequently, irrigation has been improved in 920 ha of land.
- In Burkina Faso significant results have been achieved through the IDA financed Urban Water Sector Project (UWSP: 2009–2018): about 700,000 people have gained access to improved water supply; about 440,000 people have gained access to improved sanitation; and about 120,000 students have benefited from improved school sanitation. And the utility’s performance has dramatically improved: ONEA (Office National de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement), Burkina’s state-owned urban water and sanitation utility, is today ranked among the top performing water utilities in Sub-Saharan Africa, with full recovery through revenues of operation and maintenance cost and debt service and partial contribution to capital expenditures, with a staff productivity of 2.9 staff per 1000 connections and a bill collection ratio of 97.7 percent. These achievements, along with the strengthening of the ONEA’s governance, has contributed to paving the way for opportunities to tap into commercial capital and private engagement, for the expansion of needed investments required to respond to increasing water scarcity and fast urbanization.